Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Unforum 2010: BYU Tube

This was the second year that I had the opportunity to participate in BYUSA's Unforum. Adam Ruri, last year's president, planned the event with Deidre Edmunds and they did a wonderful job.You can check out their blogs here: http://adamruri.blogspot.com and http://deejmbl.blogspot.com.
Divine Comedy, Rugby Team, BYUSA's Club Style, Living Legends, Folk Dance, President Samuelson, and Cosmo all participated. Unform us also where the 2010 Brigham Award winners were announced. These people are the top of the top. Only five were selected and truly are some of the most incredible people I've ever met.
Probably the coolest part about Unform was when we asked for help cleaning up at the end and 80 students immediately came down to lend a hand. That's just one of the reasons why I love BYU.
If you'd like to learn more-
BYUSA: http://byusa.byu.edu/
Divine Comedy: http://www.divinecomedy.net/
Rugby Team: http://www.byurugby.com/
BYUSA's Club Style: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2201308752
Living Legends: http://www.facebook.com/pages/BYU-Living-Legends/87491030773
Folk Dance: http://pam.byu.edu/similarpage.asp? title=International%20Folk%20Dance%20Ensemble

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